
LiveScribe - Educational Applications

Page history last edited by Tim Fahlberg 15 years, 3 months ago

Home > LiveScribe > Educational Applications     TinyURL to this page: http://tinyurl.com/ajag3q                

  LiveScribe: www.LiveScribe.com

Many applications and videos at www.edlivescribe.com


Educational uses

  1. Many applications and videos at www.edlivescribe.com

  2. Problem-solving and sharing

    1. See Pencasts by Students.

    2. See Pencasts by Teachers.


  3. Notetaking and note replaying (with or without audio)

    1. Search notes to find any text
    2. Replay audio or ink
      1. By tapping on ink anywhere on a page in paper notebook
      2. By tapping on ink after synching to LiveScribe desktop
    3. Share notes
      1. As replayable ink with audio
      2. As pdfs
      3. As text - After transcribing using MyScript for LiveScribe into English or other languages
      4. With all students & parents to support all students but perhaps especially those with learning disabilities
      5. With other teachers for professional development
      6. Through Facebook
      7. Publicly or privately using 250 MB on LiveScribe community
    4. Helping the visually impaired - See article about research at Vanderbilt U


  4. For homework assignments and assessments

    1. See Pencasts by Students.
    2. Art - Show how to draw a face or animal
    3. Biology - Explain process of cell reproduction with voice explanations
    4. Chemistry - Show how to balance equations or calculate molarity/molality.
    5. Math - Record solutions of math problems with voice explanations in English or any language.
      1. See Pencasts-mathcasts by students.
    6. Physics -


      How to view pencasts

      When you replay notes on LiveScribe's site be sure to view them full screen and set the Display Mode to Hide Preview.

       By subject 


      1. AP Physics pencasts - Homework help pencasts for honors physics
      2. Phttp://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=LiveScribe&hl=en&lr=&btnG=Search)
      3. "Paper based computing: Another new technology demands we work together to plan the future or be caught unprepared when the inevitable issues arise"
      4. Visit the Academic area on LiveScribe's site.
      5. Demo lecture: "Crossing the chasm".
      6. AP (Advanced Placement): See physics below
      7. Art - Drawing
        1. Teach how to draw or share drawings with audio
          1. Bridge drawing (Go full screen, hide preview, rotate the page
          2. "Star wars notes".
      8. Biology
        1. YouTube plugin error
        2. Google Blog search
        3. Blog post on Philosophy of Biology Cafe: LiveScribe Pulse SmartPen 


      9. Chemistry:
        1. Excellent class notes:   Example 1    Example 2
        2. Huge set of pencasts to support Chem 1300 (scroll down to 1.C. Pencasts)


      10. Math - Use for creating notes or mathcasts (math problems solved outloud with voice explanations)
        1. Blog post with examples: tcmtechnologyblog.blogspot.com/2008/05/update-on-livescribe-pen.html
        2. Examples by 5th graders (on Mathcasts wiki): http://math247.pbwiki.com/Mathcasts+-+CMS (Scroll down to #8)
        3. Calculus notes
        4. Polynomials
        5. Mathcasts (Notes by Tim Fahlberg whose worked in this area for 12 years)
          1. The LiveScribe SmartPen makes it incredibly easy for any child who can write with a pen
            1. To record their thinking and reasoning aloud about a math problem
            2. To practice & demonstrate basic math skill fluency in an engaging way
            3. To demonstrate higher order thinking skills as they talk through solving math problems.
      11. Physics
        1. AP Physics notes on light


      12. World Languages
        1. Chinese: Learn to count in Chinese
        2. Spanish-Math: Find the median of a set of numbers
        3. Chinese-English: First English lesson for Helen (read the comments at the bottom)
        4. Dutch-English: Vocab-Phrase practice




Core applications & research:

  1. For everyone: Notetaking with a) paper replay, b) paper & Livescribe desktop replay with accelerated listening, c) sharing on the web privately & publicly.
  2. For students:
    1. Homework support through teacher or student created pencasts (see Pencasts by Students: http://tinyurl.com/b89gkz, Pencasts by Educators: http://tinyurl.com/dl8fqv, How to Create & Share a Pencast/mathcast: http://tinyurl.com/bq5xtb).
    2. Guided homework practice: http://tinyurl.com/mzlljg
  3. For everyone: Assessing teacher performance and student class participation (see pages 17-21 of http://tinyurl.com/p7uess).
  4. For everyone: Asynchronous professional development & collaboration using pencasts.
  5. For everyone: Research tested ways for using the Livescribe: See http://tinyurl.com/p7uess (28 page pdf by Dr. Andy van Schaack "A Review of Scientific Evidence Demonstrating the Effectiveness of Smartpen Technologies for Improving Teaching and Learning)



Optional applications:

  1. 1. For elementary teachers (and others?): Assessing reading fluency (see pages 21-22 of http://tinyurl.com/p7uess).
  2. For world language, science, math teachers/students: How to use the Livescribe to create study aids including talking flash cards.
    1. Ex 1: Dutch (could be any language): Basic words & phrases - http://tinyurl.com/m6u83g
    2. Ex 2: Chinese (could be any language): Teach Chinese characters - http://tinyurl.com/kjtxc5  
  3. For most teachers:
    1. How to create a talking key for a test - Coming soon (Math test created using dynamic ExamView questions)
    2. How to create a talking test: http://www.themathmaker.com/text/lvtest.html
  4. For elementary teachers: How to create a Make-Up Spelling Test (see http://www.pencasts.org/blog/?p=25).
  5. For music teachers: Musical paper - http://www.themathmaker.com/text/lvmusic.html
  6. For elementary teachers: Handwriting analysis/practice - http://www.themathmaker.com/text/lshwriting.html

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