

Page history last edited by Tim Fahlberg 15 years, 2 months ago

Home > GradeCam

GradeCam is an extraordinary tool for quickly grading assessments, homework, etc




  1. Video on Chattanooga's News Channel 9 (Local ABC), 9/2/2009: 
  2. Article in the Rhea Herald (TN, USA) news, 9/2/09: GradeCams fun for students, easy on teachers
  3. Article/News in "The Journal", 5/2009: GradeCam Converts Cameras into Test Scanners
  4. Recent article (from 3/5/2009):   New technology benefits teachers and students (Opens in a new window)



Great demo on TeacherTube

  Includes teachers and students talking about GradeCam.  TinyURL to Teacher Tube video: http://tinyurl.com/yb53c97



1-2 minute demos

    Created by Tim Fahlberg to show 2 ways to use GradeCam + reports




  1. I used an AVerMedia CP300 with updated drivers (from 2/27/2009).
  2. I recorded the video with Jing and produced it with Camtasia Studio.
  3. I could have recorded it with JingPro to MP4 format and then I wouldn't have had to use Camtasia Studio but I wanted to add a table of contents and improve the quality of the audio so I used Camtasia Studio which also compressed the final video size.


Importing Classes and Students

  The Math Maker, who re-wrote the help file for GradeCam to its current form, created the following

  step by step video tutorial showing how to import classes and students.  (Link is below image)



       Video tutorial: http://www.themathmaker.com/gradecam/importing/importing.html


Grading an ExamView Test with GradeCam

    (and getting the data into the ExamView Test Manager for analysis)   -  Download/comment    TinyURL: http://tinyurl.com/plwd9x




Why Teachers Need GradeCam and FAQ

  1.   Why Teachers Need GradeCam (1 page pdf)
  2.   GradeCam FAQ (1 page pdf)


Grade Programs that work with GradeCam

  GradeCam works with all electronic grade books.  Below are links to a few of  our favorites:


GradeCam 1 page QuickStart Guide for Windows and Mac

    GradeCam_Quick_Start.pdf      TinyURL to this section: http://tinyurl.com/q78x9q


GradeCam Documentation and Help

  1. Quick Start Guide:  Word doc   Adobe pdf (included with GradeCam)
  2. Online help
  3. More resourcees here:  GradeCam Documentation and Help (on EdTech247 public PBWiki)
  4. GradeCam Demos  
  5. Video tutorial: Importing Classes


GradeCam Forms

  1. Can all be printed from the GradeCam software.
  2. Demo forms (Demo class: Answer key + set of 10 completed 20 question A-D forms)
  3. Sample test form (20 questions A-D with 3 digit ID)  - Print 4 per page.


  4. Sample score/credit label (Place for score + 3 digit ID)

    Can be copied and pasted to the top of a test or printed as a page of labels for students to affix to homework, etc.

    You can also generate this from inside the GradeCam software.



GradeCam Reports

  1. Item Analysis:  This report shows how many students selected each question.


  2. Class Item Analysis by Student: This report shows which students got which question right or wrong.


  3. Assignment Statistics: This report shows the basic statistics for this assignment.


  4. Student Standards Report: This report shows how a student did on each standard.


  5. Class Standards Report: This report shows how the class did on each standard.


  6. Student Assignment Summary: This report shows the student's score for each assignment.


  7. Student Test Results: This report summarizes the student's test results for one assignment.


  8. Class Scores Report: This report summarizes each student's score.







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