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CPS (Classroom Performance System ) - EV (EvamView) - LS (Learning Series) Demo
1. What is ExamView?
2. What is the ExamView Learning Series?
3. Tables showing what's in the ExamView Learning Series for math for grades 3-10.
1. Creating a custom test using ExamView and the ExamView Learning Series (7th grade math assessment).
2. Delivering the assessment above using CPS clickers.
3. Creating and delivering a 4th grade benchmark math assessment using ExamView, the EV LS, and a LAN using the EV Test Player.
4. The Many uses of a Dynamic ExamView Question.
Direct link to this screencast (with a link to download it): http://www.screencast.com/t/E02cRy9L (100 MB .swf playable with Swiff Player)
1. What's in the Washington State GLE-aligned Learning Series for mathematics (Excel workbook).
2. Sample Examview Test Manager reports (original test + reports in pdf format).
Zip file with all 7 reports
1. Smith - 1.Smith_ExamView_3rd_WASL_Math_Practice_1_Smith(A).pdf
2. Smith - 2.Smith_ExamView_Test_Summary.pdf
3. Smith - 3.Smith_Item_Analysis_Summary_ExamView_Test_Manager.pdf
4. Smith - 4.Smith_Assignment_Results_ExamView_Test_Manager.pdf
5. Smith - 5.Smith_Learning_Focus_ExamView_Test_Manager.pdf
6. Smith - 6.Smith_Item_Remediation_Summary_ExamView_Test_Manager.pdf
7. Sanchez - 7.Sanchez_ExamView_Test_Manager_Performance_Progress_Chart.pdf
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